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Home >  News & Events >  2021 Overseas Programs; All programs have been completed.

2021 Overseas Programs; All programs have been completed.

Our overseas programs are vital components in the curriculum, and most of students who enroll the university look forward to participating the programs.
They are short-term training programs for 2-4 weeks in which all students participate, not only to improve their English skills but also to deepen their studies in their specialized fields.
However, with the advent of COVID-19, the university has not been able to send students abroad since 2020.

Under conditions that prevented students from traveling, all the programs to study at 7 universities/institutions in 6 countries around the world, had to be reassembled into an online delivery from scratch. In this process, taking its importance in our university’s educational goal into our account, our focus was placed to build an online program that allows students to acquire the same level of learning outcomes as implemented on a face-to-face format.

Programs for all Department of Food and Health Sciences students were delivered in March 2021, while Faculty of Global Management Studies and Department of Child Development and Education’s programs were held from June to September 2021.
With the cooperation of many people from our partner universities overseas, we accomplished to build up our original online programs. While the training, we had to regard the unpredictable COVID-19 outbreaks, deal with the sudden schedule changes due to a lockdown in a partner country, also resolve internet connection issues. But all the programs ended very successfully.

After all the programs have concluded, many of the participants gave glowing reviews, which show us the online programs bring about positive outcomes.
As students in amid an unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, we hope that the experience of participating in our online overseas programs will be of forceful help in their future.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved for their cooperation in making our university's first online overseas program a success.