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Home >  International Exchange >  Global Center

Global Center

In addition to assisting Japanese students with studying abroad, the Global Center provides language and living support for students from overseas.

About the Global Center

The Global Center provides support for training and studying abroad and assistance to students from overseas as well as overall support for the Overseas Program in which all students participate in their second year. The Overseas Program is not a short-term language training, but an order-made program for students from each department to acquire specialized knowledge relating to their field of study.

Main Services

Support for Overseas Program and study abroad
  • Student counseling
  • Support for study abroad
  • Support during study abroad
  • Cultivating study abroad destinations
  • Signing of agreements with overseas universities and more
Support for students from overseas
  • Support for incoming students
  • Japanese language and cultural learning support
  • Living support and more

Contact Information

Open Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30-17:15
※Except national holidays

Phone: +81-26-462-1444
Fax: +81-26-235-0026
Email: global@u-nagano.ac.jp

Message from the Director of the Global Center

The Global Center wholeheartedly supports all of you who are willing to break your comfort zones!
Dignity of self and respect for others are important attitudes when confronting others in cross-cultural and multifaceted learning. Through exchanging opinions, we engage in mutual criticism to explore the relative position of our own opinions. The purpose of mutual criticism is not to negate others’ opinions and assert the legitimacy of one’s own opinion, but to acknowledge where one stands relative to others by respecting others and where they stand. In other words, acknowledging others and acknowledging oneself are mutually complementary.
While learning from multiple perspectives and acknowledging the dignity of self and others, try to engage in thorough discussion and collaboration with diverse counterparts. If you do so, you will surely find learning and joy that you cannot get only on campus!

Prof. Ryohei Nakagawa – Director, Global Center
Doctor of Business Administration (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.); Master of International Affairs (Columbia Univ.); BA in Poland Studies (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi (Tokyo and Kyoto) – Corporate Accounts Officer
American International Group, Inc. (New York), Corporate Research & Development, Research Analyst – Senior Analyst
World Economic Forum (Geneva), Community Manager
Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan University – Faculty of International Relations
Associate Professor, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies – Department of Global Studies

Snapshots of International Ceremonies and Events supported by the Global Center (GC)
at the University of Nagano (UN)

reception on the occasion of the visit of the Missouri Business Mission lead by Missouri Governor
at the US Ambassador’s Residence in Tokyo on October 2023

Delegation Head of China’s Hebei Univ., during a courtesy visit to our campus on August 2023

Asst. Director of UK’s University of Leicester (center) during a courtesy visit to our campus on March 2023

the Welcome Ceremony for Finnish Gov. delegates held on June 7, 2022

the Nagano Government Press Center held on March 23, 2022
regarding the official announcement of joining the United Nations-led “Academic Impact”

Karelia/Finland-Nagano Government-led Int’l Conference held on February 23, 2022

the Welcome Ceremony for a guest researcher (center)
from the Communication University of China held on September 6, 2022

US Merced College President, Mr. Vitelli (2nd from the left) and his delegates paid a courtesy visit to
UN Chairman, Mr. Ando (3rd from the left) on October 7,2022.

Canadian Acadia University Professor Vibert (center) paid a courtesy visit to
UN President, Prof. Kindaichi (left) on December 9, 2022

the Online Signing Ceremony for Student Exchange Agreement with Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
on December, 2022