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Home >  Faculties and Departments >  Faculty of Global Management Studies

Faculty of Global Management Studies

Three courses

Department of Global Management Studies

During their first year, students identify their aptitude, and in their second year, they choose their own path from the three courses.

Developing human resources capable of managing a corporate organization using the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle
Students acquire knowledge related to company management including business administration, economics, accounting, and legal studies, and develop management and practical skills for running organizations with a global perspective that is essential in modern business to bring about change.
<Main career paths after graduation>
Manufacturing industry (construction, electronics, precision machinery, medicine, foodstuffs, etc.), service industry (wholesale, retail, restaurant, accommodation, etc.), transportation, power utilities, information and communications, financial institutions (banks, securities, insurance), etc.

Developing human resources capable of starting their own businesses or taking over from others
Students learn the basics of startups, business succession and revitalization. They also develop a broad outlook and flexible thinking, to acquire conceptual and practical capabilities for starting new businesses aimed at resolving social or regional issues.
<Main career paths after graduation>
Starting or establishing businesses (establishing incorporated companies, NPOs or other organizations), taking over businesses, revitalizing businesses, consulting companies, launching new businesses at private companies, etc.

Developing human resources that will be involved in regional management in administrative and public organizations
Knowledge essential for public management, such as administrative organization and local government structural elements provides students with the planning, proposal and implementation skills for combating problems in their local communities. After graduation, these students will likely pursue work at administrative organizations, public institutes, NPOs, etc.
<Main career paths after graduation>
Administrative organizations, public institutes, NPOs, etc.

Characteristics of learning

Completely novel classes that add a global perspective to business administration. During their first year, students identify their aptitude, and in their second year, they choose their own path from the three courses. With many expert professors, the University of Nagano offers education that is rare to find even at the leading national universities of Japan.