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Home >  About University >  Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman

Kunitake Ando, Chairman

What is innovation? Innovation is changing the world by providing new value in completely novel ways. I have seen moments where enthusiastic young people have had a major influence in Silicon Valley and other places. When you're young, you have nothing to lose. All you see is the boundless future ahead, open to limitless possibility. How much can you invest in yourself while you're young? I want you to have as many experiences as possible and to take up the challenge of discovering the thing that you, and only you, can do. You’re sure to have setbacks along the way. But your world is sure to begin to change significantly when you undauntedly face hardships, risks, and difficulties. The future you paint for yourself will surely add its color to our university’s new traditions. All first-year students live together in the dormitory and all second-year students participate in the Overseas Program. I greatly support innovative programs of this type, which are possible at the University of Nagano because it is not tied down by outdated traditions. In fact, I believe that the university in and of itself is an outstanding innovation that will help promote continued innovation throughout Japan and the world as our students graduate and pursue their dreams.